

2001 – Sculptural symposium in Přední Kopanina – Prague

2002 – Sculptural symposium Lux et Lapis – Břeclav

2003 – Sculptural symposium Lux et Lapis - Dolní Slivno – Břeclav

2004 – Sculptural symposium Dolní Slivno

2005 – Sculptural symposium in park of the castle Vlašim

2006 – Sculptural symposium Landek 2006 – Ostrava

2007 – Sculptural symposium Dolní Slivno

2010 – Symposium of functional sculpture in Koper, Slovenia

2012 – Sculptural symposium Dolní Slivno

2014 - World Cultural Art Symposium in Mosan Art Museum Republic of Korea


List of selected restoration actions

2013 – Restoration of stone architectural elements on the facade of gothic Prague gate in Vysoké Mýto

2007 – Restoration of stone architectural elements inside the chancel of the church of

St. Agnes Convent Salvator in Prague

2006 – Restoration of plaster casts from the National Gallery in Prague

2007 – Restoration of architectural plaster model from the National Technical Museum in Prague

2006- Restoration of five plaster sculptures by B. Kavka from the National Gallery in Prague

2004 – 2007- Restoration of stone facade decorations in Schwanzemberg Palace in Prague

2003 – 2004- Restoration two six meters high ceramic sculptures from the facade of the Museum of East Bohemia, Hradec Kralove, in cooperation with Michal Blazek and Daniel Talavera

- Restoration and documentation of stone architectural elements uncovered during reconstruction after the flood in the St. Agnes Convent in Prague

2002 – 2003- Restoration of plaster models of decorative architectural element from depositories of National Technical Museum in Prague damaged during floods in 2002

2002 - Restoration of sculptures allegory of the Muses on the terrace of the National Theatre in Prague

2001- Restoration of the most vulnerable parts of the sculptural decoration of the facade of the National Theatre in Prague – the relief of the Trig and two statues on the terrace in front, in cooperation with Michal Blazek and Daniel Talavera

- Research and security of sculpture and sgraffito decoration of the facade of so-called Viehl farm house in Smolnice near Louny, along with Michal Blazek, Jakub Kandl and Daniel Talavera

- Restoration of the statue of St. John of Nepomuk  in Kravaře near Opava

2000- Complete research of sculptural decoration of the façade and demonstration restoration of two statues Zaboj and Slavoj in frontal facade of the National Theatre in collaboration with Michal Blazek.

1999- Restoration of stone sculptures adorning the facades of the palace Padowetz in Brno in cooperation with Daniel Talavera.

1998- Restoration of decorations of the Baroque staircase Buquoy Palace in Malá Strana, Prague, in cooperation with Marcel Hron and Daniel Talavera 

- Implementation  copy of a statue of St. Isidore in Osek near Rokycany in collaboration with Daniel Talavera and Marcel Hron.

1997 – Restoration of the crown cornices and the stucco decoration of the facade of a large hall Tuscan palace in Prague

1996 – Reconstruction and implementation of a lost statue of the Virgin Mary from the Marian Column in Sokolov – dissertation work in the Academy of Fine Art in PragueTato informační stránka slouží k detailnímu popisu tohoto webového projektu, Vaší společnosti, produktů a služeb, které nabízíte. Zaměřte se především na Vaše silné stránky, dále popište historii společnosti, získané licence či ocenění.

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Historie projektu

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